MLB Expansion

Major League Baseball (MLB) is considering expanding its league by adding new franchises for the first time since 1998, when the Arizona Diamondbacks and Tampa Bay Rays joined. Expansion offers MLB the opportunity to tap into new markets, increase its fan base, and generate additional revenue. Several cities have emerged as strong contenders for these new franchises, each with unique advantages and challenges.

Join the Movement: Bring MLB to Austin!

“Austin is on the brink of embracing America’s favorite pastime at the highest level. We are thrilled to introduce the Austin Baseball Commission’s proposed Major League Baseball team that promises to bring the spirit and excitement of MLB to our great city. Join our growing movement to turn this effort into reality.”


The journey to bring MLB to Austin is underway, and every supporter counts. Join us as we aim to make history and show the world that Austin has what it takes to be home to a Major League Baseball team. Together, let’s step up to the plate and welcome Austin to the major leagues!